Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The last few weeks...

It's been a crazy few weeks with lots going on... I got back from Texas on Friday night and then helped host a shower for Kim! It's crazy to think that we've known each other for so long (since Kindergarten!), that she and Josh are finally getting married (who knows how long they've been dating... but it sparked somewhere around his senior prom... which was ten years ago!), and that we're all together to celebrate! The Enoch girls sure know how to throw a beautiful shower... I'm just excited that I got to share it with them!

Before Sirius and I headed home on Father's Day, I let him have one last swim with his pup-cousins! Actually, it was more of Bailey and Duke swimming while Sirius jumped in and proceeded to dig up dirt and get muddy... and then Ally had the honor of tossing him in the pool to rinse off! :) Bailey is just the sweetest pup... it just took me a bit to get used to a big dog!

I was home for a few days before heading down to NC with Vycki to go to Jill and Scott's Wedding!! We left at the crack of dawn and got into NC just in time for lunch with Dayna and Garrett!! Garrett is just darling... and so entertaining! We had so much fun catching up with each other and realizing that we can still have girl talk with the kids around (at least until they can understand what we're saying)!

The wedding was just BEAUTIFUL! It was soooo Jill! Scott lost it a little bit when she walked it - it was so sweet! We got to sit with Ponz (now Sarah Rush) and her hubby, Amanda and her cutie boyfriend Derek, and Christina (who came in from Alaska!!)! We just had a great night... I'll let the photos say the rest...

We had a great Saturday hanging out at Towa's... a lunch at Ham's and just cruising around Elon! Vycki and I were whooped and anxious to sleep in our own beds, so we decided to head home Saturday night (instead of Sunday morning).

I came home to a nicely buzzed Joey and Srian doing absinthe shots in the living room! They quickly passed out... Joe cuddled up with me and Srian cuddled up with Sirius! We had Pho 95 with Sri before dropping him off at his parents... I hate saying goodbye to him, but he'll be back from Bahrain in August and we'll get to meet his girlfriend! :) Once we got back from errands I just passed out!

Whew, I'm exhausted... but it was worth every minute!!

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