Tuesday, February 02, 2010


So there's this amazing woman/mother/photographer I know, let's just call her Lolli, who decided to take her amazing blog one step further than documenting her life (which, don't get me wrong - I LOVE reading about!) and introduced BLOGOGRAPHY!

If you've been to my little blog before, you know that I love taking photos! The best present I've received from my husband (other than my engagement ring and sweet daughter) was my Canon Digital Rebel that he got me for my 25th birthday... I remember taking a photo of the camera (well I didn't know it was the camera at the time!) with my Sony Cyber Shot, thinking that it's 3 inch touchscreen was the cat's meow! Boy, was I in for a treat! Over the past three years I've played with the camera and experimented with different settings and have gotten lucky with a few great photos of my hubby, family, friends, camp, puppies and (most recently) baby girl! This is where Lolli comes in... we happened to be at the same dinner a few months ago and got to talking about everything under the sun, including photography!

Lolli was the photographer who captured my growing baby bump...

...and I've been a secret (and not so secret) admirer since! As we were talking, she told me about a new "project" that she was working on- Blogography! As an "experimental" photographer (I wouldn't even consider myself amateur yet), I got very excited and couldn't wait for the first tutorial/challenge to come up! Well, the first challenge came and went during my first week back to work, so I missed that one, but I got my act together (even if it's a week-ish late!) for her continuation of her ISO challenge!

I was under the impression that the higher the ISO, the better... I was the person walking around with her DSLR set at 800 all the time because it produced the best results! Boy was I wrong!! I'm so happy that Lolli addressed this first as it came just in time for my trip to Florida. Here's two photos of Dagny on the ferry to Universal; the first is at 800 (where I had previously kept my ISO setting at ALL the time):

And the second at 200:

If you can't tell the difference, zoom on in and see how the one at 200 has so much less noise in the detail!

Anyway, I'm so excited to get this up there and to get cracking on her Shutter Speed challenge this week!!

Thanks, Lolli!


Unknown said...

't believe how big she's getting! I'm glad you're following along and hopefully learning a few things! :)

Haddock said...

Lolli is doing a good job.

abc said...

even Little D thinks the lower ISO is better! wow! smart kid...!