Thursday, November 04, 2010

Back in love with my sewing machine... a.k.a. Making things for Doodle!

My sewing machine is like a good old friend... we may not see each other daily, but when we're united magic is bound to happen.  Okay, maybe not magic, but we pick up right where we left off!  The reason we don't see each other often is because I'm sort of an ADD-Crafter -- I'll get inspired by something and spend time making it and perfecting it, but won't necessarily "keep with it."  This is the largest contributing factor to why I'm not a good scrapbooker... I like quick and easy projects that give me instant gratification.  That's not to say that I don't love scrapbooking -- I love the idea of it, but rarely get "into" it enough to finish -- which is why my wedding scrapbook is only complete up until my bachelorette party. Oops.  I digress.

I follow all sorts of wonderful blogs that give me such inspiring ideas (Tatertots and Jello, anyone?!).  A few weeks ago, realizing that Dagny's pea coat looked a smidge boring, so I made fabric rosettes I had read about to give it a little pizzazz!

Back to the "real" story... As I picked Dagny up from Marsha's last Wednesday, I realized that she was wearing her black-cat Halloween shirt that we picked up at Carter's a while ago...

I was planning to send her to Marsha's Halloween Party on Friday in this...

And was planning to send her to Butler's with the Richardson's on Saturday wearing this...

But I knew that Nancy would be taking her around town on Thursday and wanted Doodle to look a little festive for all of her admirers out there.  So, I ran to Target and JoAnn (spending a whopping $10 on supplies... everything except the orange leggings and her black patent leather Trumpette loafers) and whipped up this... 

I just loved how easy this "reverse appliqué" technique was and have tried two more designs.  A Barbie shirt for Doodle (my fave, natch...) and a wiener dog shirt for my nephew (which he will receive tonight, so don't tell B!)... 

I have tons of ideas bubbling up (can we say "Mommy-and-Me-Barbie-Shirts?!") and can't wait to ditch work to get home and play some more!  What do you think?

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