Monday, May 30, 2011

A Big Thank You... Happy Memorial Day!

Have you hugged your soldier today?!

 Memorial Day Weekend is a mixed bag-- yes, it's a three day weekend that serves as the unofficial kick-off to summer, but it also is a three day weekend to serve as a reminder of those who put their lives on the line to defend our country.  I understand why its a "Memorial," but wish the holiday had a more appropriate name that can also directly honor those who are serving us now... like, "Thank You to Our Troops Day!" or "Hug Your Soldier Day!" or simply "Military Day!"

My friend, and favorite Army Wife (but she is SO much more than that... she's my sister-from-another-mister/BFF/sanity-check/crafty goddess!), Laura had this quote on her blog and I wanted to share it with you:
"I have never been able to think of the day as one of mourning; I have never quite been able to feel that half-masted flags were appropriate on Decoration Day. I have rather felt that the flag should be at the peak, because those whose dying we commemorate rejoiced in seeing it where their valor placed it. We honor them in a joyous, thankful, triumphant commemoration of what they did." ~Benjamin Harrison
 With that, I wish everyone a very "Happy Memorial Day!" and extend a HUGE "Thank You!" to those who have served, and continue to serve, our country.

p.s. If you feel so inclined, I strongly encourage you to write your own note of support to our troops...

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