Sunday, August 03, 2008

--Insert Girly EEK! Here--

Well, apparently one night at the Sofitel is all we needed! ;) After using up a bunch of tests over a week before I was supposed to get my period, I ordered test strips from on a whim... I had been taking them every day last week (what?! They were only a buck a piece!) and I kept coming up with nothing. By Sunday morning, I was totally down and depressed (mostly because of the pain I was in and knowing that another month of trying meant another month of pain)... Joe looked at me and told me to go take a "real" test to make sure.

The pink line test came up with something... a line... but not as dark as the control line. So, Joe took me to lunch at Corner Bakery, gave me a lesson in chugging water, and hurried me through the girlie aisle at Target (whispering "Roars, Hurry it up... they all work the same... come on... we know people here....). Less than an hour later, I was taking the included photo!!

This is starting to become really real....

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