Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's all spelled out on the paper... i heart faces

Aunt Nancy, Lexie, Naya, and Kevin

I missed the linky on this week's challenge, but still wanted to share a photo that featured paper...

Here's part of the Welcome Wagon at the Flagg Family Reunion 2010!

Flagg events on and trips to Vinalhaven, especially reunions, carry wonderful traditions.  One of my favorite  traditions is that everyone gathers at the ferry terminal to welcome other family members to the island.  We all stand out on the rocks waiting for the ferry to come in-- slipping rocks, trying to get a  cell signal, joking around and not-so-patiently waiting for the damn boat!  Once the ferry is in sight, we wave our hands and do the inevitable "wave" across the group.  Everyone on the boat goes to the rail and waves back- trying to see who is out on the rocks.

While the ferry docks, we all swarm the terminal and anxiously wait for the passengers walk up the ramp.  We're supposed to wait at the top of the ramp, but given that we're Flaggs (at least by marriage), we simply ignore the signs and meet everyone half way to give hugs, help carry bags, and just soak up the Flagg-ness!

After all of the hugs are doled out, we pile into cars headed to the Gawker or the Big House... ready for the next activity that Kevin has planned for us!

Can you tell I miss Vinalhaven?! Although it's totally freezing on the island right now, I wish I could be up there to breathe all of that fresh air (Extra oxygen from the seaweed... right, Joe Sr?!) and have nothing to do but hang out with family and explore the island!

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