Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Autumn Splendor... i heart faces

Meet Miss A, one of the sweetest and happiest babies I've ever known...

Isn't she gorgeous?!  She's got the looks of her lovely Mama and the personality of her fun-loving Pops!

Miss A's parents are very good friends of ours who recently moved up the road (you know, I-95... up to NJ from MD).  I've known her Daddy since I've known my Hubby and her Mama is one those awesome friends who you have text message conversations during the workday with, pretending that she's really just minutes away! 

I had the pleasure of photographing Miss A when she was born... at the hospital within 12 hours of her birth... it was magical!  She was a beautiful newborn and has grown into such a gorgeous baby! While living in MD she went to the same daycare as Doodle and is called "My Baby A" by our little one who is convinced that A actually belongs to her and the adults are just here to help her out!  While we miss seeing them on a more frequent basis, it makes the days we spend together even sweeter-- like the morning we spent together at the pumpkin patch a few weeks ago! 

While this wasn't a planned photo shoot, I couldn't resist snapping some photos of this sweetie... she inspires me!


Sabrina said...

What a doll!!!

Kristi said...

Love this shot! Portraits are my favorite.